Which will crash first, your computer, or YOUth?

Join us in our upcoming 50 hour Capture-The-Flag as we band together as Earth's last group of revolutionaries to reclaim Cyberspace and restore peace to our world. You are among the last remaining survivors, Cyberspace is counting on you!

What are you waiting for? You're our only hope!
Sign up now!

>> cat about.txt

Lag and Crash is an inter-polytechnic CTF targeted at Polytechnic, Institute of Technical Education and Junior College students. The event is organised between the Polytechnic Cybersecurity Interest Groups.
The goal of this CTF competition is to provide a means of exposure for students from the various Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) to the field of Cybersecurity, and give them a taste of the many different concepts involved in this complex field.
Find out more details on prizes, dates and team formationhere.

>> grep -rnw "./" -e "Team"

Temasek Polytechnic
Nanyang Polytechnic
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Singapore Polytechnic
Republic Polytechnic


[    Starting sponsors.d service...

[    ] sh: python -c "print render_template('sponsors.jinja')"

<h1>Made possible by the wonderful folks at:</h1>

{% for sponsor in sponsors %}

To be revealed soon 👀

{% endfor %}


Still not enough CTF action for you? Why not check outDSTA's BrainHackstoo!